Feb. 04, 2020

HARRISBURG – Rep. Barb Gleim (R-Cumberland) today responded to Gov. Tom Wolf’s 2020-19 state budget proposal, issuing the following statement:

“Today, I attended a joint session with my House and Senate colleagues to hear Gov. Wolf propose his vision for the 2020-21 state budget and ask legislators to support his new spending plan, which is $2 billion over the current budget and requires $5 billion in new debt.

“In addition, in our current fiscal year, the governor has exceeded the lawfully enacted budget by $587.7 million, which then becomes a supplemental spend that will be rolled into the total cost of next year’s budget as well.

We need to come together and craft a budget that is more responsible to our taxpayers, and doesn’t continue to spend more than we bring in. In totality, this budget is a 6% increase in spending. The Taxpayer Protection Act, legislation I strongly support, would hold that increase to 2.1%. The increase proposed today is unacceptable.

“While I support smart growth, such as making strong investments in workforce development and education, as well as protecting our most vulnerable citizens, we must continue to contribute to our state’s Rainy Day Fund and be fiscally responsible.

“There will be multiple hearings and budget meetings in the weeks ahead, and I am committed to keeping the constituents of my district informed.”

Representative Barbara Gleim
199th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner
RepGleim.com / Facebook.com/RepGleim