Nov. 23, 2020
HARRISBURG – Legislation protecting farmers from frivolous lawsuits is on the governor’s desk to sign or veto, Rep. Barb Gleim (R- Cumberland) said today.
House Bill 1737, originally a Democratic-led House bill encompassing environmental liability protections for land banks sent to the Senate, was amended in the state Senate on Friday to include Gleim’s Agritourism limited liability protections, as well as Sens. Baker’s and Phillips-Hill’s COVID-19 temporary liability protections legislation. Democratic members dropped off of the House bill and Gleim was named prime sponsor.
“All three components of the bill are pro-growth legislation that will allow Pennsylvanians to realize a path to normalcy in this time of crisis.” Gleim said.
Last Friday, Speaker of the House Bryan Cutler issued a press release urging the governor to sign the bill. He said, “Every sector of our economy has been forced to find a new way to operate due to the pandemic. However, our schools, employers and community leaders should not have to fear legal repercussions for following the governor’s orders.”
Gleim agrees and added, “This legislation is great policy that has the support of the majority of the state residents and their employers. Over 75 associations, nonprofits, school and health care entities, farmers, manufacturers and small businesses have voiced the need for this legislation to be enacted.”
Representative Barbara Gleim
199th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Charles Lardner
717.260.6443 /